Window Registration Period:

Early Registration Window

Early Registration for new classes is open from 1 January to 31 May. Parents can register their children from the year of birth. The outcome will be notified in July. If there are insufficient vacancies, places will be balloted. Children without a vacancy will be placed on the waitlist.

On-Going Registration

On-going registration for current classes takes place throughout the year. Parents can register their children from the year of birth. A placement will be offered via email if there is a vacancy. Otherwise the child will be placed on the waitlist.

This form may take about 15 minutes to complete, the registration consists of 6 segments.

Step 1
Selection of Campus
Step 2
Submission of Child's Details
Step 3
Submission of Parent's/ Guardian's Details
Step 4
of Documents
Step 5
Confirmation of Details
Step 6
Agreement & Payment
Please have the following softcopies ready before proceeding:
For Singaporeans For Non-Singaporeans
Documents for Child
  • Birth Certificate of Child / Medical Document of Unborn child's EDD
  • Citizenship Certificate (if any)
  • Child's immunisation records
  • Birth Certificate of Child
  • Passport of Child
  • Child’s Re-entry Permit/ Dependent Pass/ Long Term Visit Pass
  • Child's immunisation records
Documents for Parents
  • Identity cards of both parents, single father/ mother or guardian
  • Employment Pass/ Work passes/ Permits
  • Passport of both parents

A Registration Fee of $80.00 will be collected (via Credit/Debit Card) at the end of the process. This fee is non-transferable and non-refundable. You may register your child for more than 1 campus of St. James' Church Kindergarten / Little Seeds Preschool / Anglican Preschool Services. The Registration Fee of $80.00 will be collected for each registered campus.

Parents will be notified via email on the outcome of the registration. An offer of place email will be sent to you if there is a place. The payment of deposit will be required within the stipulated timeline indicated in the offer. There will be only 1 confirmed placement for the registered campus even if the child is registered on other campuses. The child will be placed on the waitlist(s) in the remaining campuses.


Under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA), organizations are generally not allowed to collect, use or disclose an individual’s NRIC number (or copy of NRIC).

However, as early childhood development centers (ECDC) are required to collect, use or disclose an individual’s NRIC (or copy of NRIC) on behalf of the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), ECDC is excluded from the Data Protection Provisions of the PDPA. For more information please click here.